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Our Retail Partners


Distributor Name Concern Person Contact No. E-Mail Address City
S M Sales Mumtaz 9435012152, 9207040185, 9678386671 Guwahati


Distributor Name Concern Person Contact No. E-Mail Address City
Bhatia stores 9934505915 ,8603239091 Jamshedpur


Distributor Name Concern Person Contact No. E-Mail Address City
Mangalore Garments Center B. Manoj Rao 9845338918 bmanojrao@gmail.com Mangalore


Distributor Name Concern Person Contact No. E-Mail Address City
Indian Plastic Land 0484-2366321/ 4026273 sayed@iplbags.com Kochi
Fatima Shoe Company Haji P Syed Mohamed 9349459890, 9037856511, 9447048689 Thiruvannthapuram


Distributor Name Concern Person Contact No. E-Mail Address City
Kalapi Stores Aashish M Turakhla 9422051275 aashishturakhia@gmail.com Kolhapur
Mister Manilal Gala/ Mayur Gala 9322515556 Mumbai

West Bengal

Distributor Name Concern Person Contact No. E-Mail Address City
Tirupati Trading Co. 9831026899/ 9903935739 Kolkata